The Unity Open Source Pause Menu
As the title suggests, I'm currently working on an open source pause menu built on UGUI, complete with video controls, and audio controls. Also included in this package are 2 UI Styles all for the price of free. Basically, as I'm working on my own game, New Horizons, I'm creating this pause menu. The asset will be release on both the asset store and Github. The asset store releases will be purely stable ones, while the Github ones will features the latest improvements/fixes. The release branch of the Github repo will mirror the asset store releases.
The "main panel" of the pause menu.
Why free? As a emerging dev myself, I've hit a lot of road blocks in the process. But thankfully to a few great asset developers, that's been easier. However, my situation is not like everyone else, and not everyone is going to get the same help I've gotten, and so I want to help people out. I've also noticed that a large amount of UI assets are lacking on the asset store, for example, while there may be thousands of high quality models, there won't be nearly as many of UI assets.
Why open source? First of all, open source software is a great way to encourage innovation because it allows developers to build off of each other and collaborate, but also it's a way for me to allow the community to take what I've done and have free rein on any changes anyone wishes to make. That means I will be completely open to suggestions and will look over all pull requests.
Why choose an open source solution over a paid one? Who doesn't love free stuff, and isn't this Github? But seriously, this asset is very powerful. Looking around the asset store, the features I have right now already surpass much of what the asset store has to offer. While the first releases may be buggy, there's a reasons it's a WIP. Also, since the community will play a part, chances are bugs will get hammered out. A complete list of features will be shown below.
Fluid button sprite swaps/animations
Fluid panel animations
Plenty of video settings to tweak
There are fully implemented features such as adjusting the MSAA amount, aniso (force on, per texture, or disabled), vsync, FOV, Render distance, Terrain density, Shadow Distance, Model Quality (lod bias), iterating through presets, and many more such as toggling full screen. Other features have not necessarily been thoroughly tested and or are buggy, and some features have been coded, but not yet implemented into the UI. The gif below shows the features on the UI.
A functional audio panel
It controls the master volume, along with all of the music and sound effect audio sources specified in the manager.
A rich manager
The manager script controls everything. The script has a lot of options you can specify for example, the shadow distance at a particular quality level or the LOD bias at a particular quality level.
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