Fall 2018


  • What defines internet usage for a country?

  • Do different regions of the world have different internet usage?

  • What is the impact of democracy, education, economy, and health on internet use?


Datasets Used:
- Population (CIA World Factbook)
- Internet Users (CIA World Factbook)
- Democracy Index & Category (Wikipedia)
- Education Expenditures (CIA World Factbook)
- GDP per Capita (CIA World Factbook)
- Life Expectancy (CIA World Factbook)
- Health Expenditures (CIA World Factbook)
- World Regions (Wikimedia)

Data Cleaning

## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    224 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ country       : chr  "China" "India" ...
##  $ internet_users: num  7.31e+08 3.74e+08 ...
##  $ population    : num  1.38e+09 1.28e+09 ...
##  $ world_region  : chr  "Asia & Pacific" "Asia & Pacific" ...
##  $ global_ns     : chr  "Global South" "Global South" ...
##  $ dem_score     : num  3.1 7.23 7.98 6.86 7.88 ...
##  $ dem_cat       : chr  "Authoritarian" "Flawed democracy" ...
##  $ gdp.edu       : num  NA 3.2 5.4 5.8 3.8 ...
##  $ gdppp         : num  16700 7200 59500 15600 42800 ...
##  $ gdp.health    : num  5.5 4.7 17.1 8.3 10.2 ...
##  $ years         : num  75.7 68.8 80 74 85.3 ...
##  $ in_percent    : num  53 29.2 ...

Defining Internet Usage

We chose to define internet usage for a country as the number of its internet users as a percentage of the country’s total population.

This is similar to the United Nation’s measurement of internet usage (internet users per 100 population).

Internet Usage Map

Internet Usage (Histogram)

Internet Usage by Region (Summary)

World Region Q1 Median Q3 IQR
Africa 9.212222 17.62190 25.17869 15.96646
Arab States 20.663345 49.67855 76.20705 55.54370
Asia & Pacific 25.171843 42.54363 68.11942 42.94758
Europe 69.355164 76.76947 87.98873 18.63356
North America 79.888475 85.25627 91.27361 11.38514
South/Latin America 44.234467 55.60399 68.17442 23.93996

Internet Usage by Region

Internet Usage by Global N/S

High & Low Internet Usage

Adding World Region to a Linear Model

## [1] "R^2 of Internet Usage ~ Life Expectancy:"
## [1] 0.6165133
## [1] "R^2 of Internet Usage ~ Life Expectancy + World Region:"
## [1] 0.6827802

Potential Internet Usage Factors

  • Democracy: The country’s democracy index and category; data is compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).
  • Education: The percentage of a country’s GDP spent on education.
  • Economy: The country’s GDP per Capita.
  • Health: The percentage of a country’s GDP spent on education & and the average life expectancy of the given country.

Impact of Economy on Internet Use

Impact of Democracy on Internet Use

Democracy Types and Internet Use

Impact of Health on Internet Use

Impact of Health (cont)

Linear Model of Internet Usage ~ Health Expenditures

##              Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 29.033772  5.0325347 5.769215 3.251257e-08
## gdp.health   2.877285  0.6870142 4.188101 4.329408e-05

\(H_0: \beta_1 = 0\)
\(H_A: \beta_1 \neq 0\)
The p-value for this test is 4.329408e-05, which is very close to 0.
We reject \(H_0\).

## [1] "R^2 of Internet Usage ~ % of GDP Spent on Health:"
## [1] 0.08575427

Impact of Health (cont)

Impact of Education on Internet Use

Impact of Education (cont)


  • There is a difference in internet usage for different regions
  • GDPPP, life expectancy, and democracy index/category are good indicators for internet usage
  • Education and health expenditures (as a percentage of GDP) are poor indicators for internet usage